Privacy Policy

Last updated May 2024

WA Games Industry Council Privacy Policy
APP 1This document details the WA Games Industry Council’s policies regarding how it collects, holds, discloses and uses Personal Information and for what purpose. This privacy policy has been written in compliance with the Australian Governments Privacy Act (1988). WAGIC will not use or disclose Personal Information with anyone except as outlined in this policy. The Personal Information collected by WAGIC is used to provide services to its members and to help improve our membership offerings. We do not disclose Personal Information (Sensitive or otherwise) with our sponsors or partners. WAGIC occasionally collects anonymous data for the purpose of understanding our community and to assist in our marketing and advocacy work. We may provide anonymous data to our partners, sponsors or other third parties to assist us with our marketing and advocacy work.

Privacy Policy Updates
Updates will occasionally be made to this Privacy Policy. We recommend you review this Privacy Policy from time to time to keep up to date with any changes. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will also be sent directly to members via email and made available on the WAGIC website.

Anonymity and Pseudonymity
APP 2Where possible WAGIC will provide the option for anonymity or pseudonymity when collecting data such as when providing responses to surveys or on feedback forms. WAGIC must collect identifying information in order to comply with laws governing not-for-profits, specifically for official purposes such as voting in AGM’s. WAGIC members will also have identifying information collected in order to manage user accounts on our website. It is a condition of membership with WAGIC to consent to this Privacy Policy as it governs how we handle your personal information. In the event that you do not have the capacity to give consent, your guardian or attorney must give consent required for this Privacy Policy on your behalf.

Information Collection and Use
APP 3, 4, 5, 6.WAGIC may collect and use the following Personal Information:Your name, signature, address, phone number, date of birth or credit card information specifically for our membership management purposes. This information is editable in your account on our website.You may be photographed at WAGIC events for use in our marketing materials.Your name, photograph, studio name or project name and company branding may be recorded if you participate in WAGIC events for use in our marketing materials. We may also collect Cookies and Log Data such as the IP addresses, browser type, browser version of visitors to the WAGIC website. If you do not accept cookies you may not be able to access some parts of the website.Occasionally during the course of WAGIC’s operation we may unknowingly collect unsolicited personal information (e.g. through photography at events). Please contact us if you have had personal information collected by us that we need to be aware of and instruct us on how you would like to proceed.In the course of WAGIC’s operation your personal information may be shared internally among committee members. WAGIC will not share your personal information with our partners or other affiliated 3rd parties without your express consent.

Compliance with Laws
APP 6WAGIC may disclose data or Personal Information where compelled to do so by law or under subpoena if we believe it necessary to comply with the law or requests of law enforcement.

Direct Marketing
APP 7WAGIC does direct marketing to its members from time to time such as through our mailing list to promote events or initiatives. We provide the option for members to opt in to direct marketing when signing up with us, these preferences can also be changed at any time by responding to the link in our emails or through your member account on our website.

Service Providers and Third-Party Services
APP 8Your Personal Information may be transferred to or maintained on computers outside of your state, country or government jurisdiction where data protection laws may differ. If you are located outside of Australia and provide us with your personal information it will be transferred to and processed in Australia.

Government Related Identifiers
APP 9WAGIC will not collect Government Related Identifiers (such as Medicare or State and Territory Driver’s License numbers) unless:You provide express consent, If there is a threat to life, health or safety. Or we need to take action in relation to suspected unlawful activity or serious misconduct.Please notify us if WAGIC has collected any government related identifiers so we can handle its removal as appropriate (please note that this excludes ABN’s).

Data Retention & Security
APP 10When collecting personal information WAGIC will ask you to provide current and accurate information. From time to time we may ask our members to update their personal information if we believe that it is not up to date or inaccurate.APP 11WAGIC will use reasonable commercial measures to protect, store and destroy your personal information as is provided by the platforms we use. We retain information for as long as it is useful and may destroy data at our discretion without notice. We recommend individuals backup any personal information shared with WAGIC.

Rights of Individuals
APP 12 & 13Members can access and correct personal information and preferences through their account on the WAGIC website. If WAGIC has personal information that you would like updated or removed that is not part of your account, or you are not a member, please contact us directly (in writing) using the contact details provided so we can discuss how to manage your access. Please allow up to 30 days for us to comply with requests to access your personal information.Please note that this policy operates alongside and does not replace other legal procedures by which an individual can access their information. 

Privacy Breaches & Complaints
To notify us of a privacy breach or make a complaint please contact us using the details provided and include the following information:Your nameAddressPreferred method of contactDetails of the complaint or alleged breach of privacyApplicable evidence such as URL’s or screenshotsWe ask you to allow 30 days to investigate your complaint or alleged breach. At the conclusion of our investigation we will contact you to resolve the issue.

Contact Us
If you would like to make a complaint, report a breach of privacy or if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy you can contact us through the WAGIC website or directly at .